Reading Time: 5minutesAfter reviewing the practical points about thermal insulation from last week, let’s jump to real-world solutions that you can implement for your next hotel. Design Considerations An expert design team can design your hotel to conserve energy over time. Certain building materials, insulation practices, and design considerations may reduce your hotel’s energy consumption when understood
Reading Time: 4minutesThe average hotel room costs $2196 per year in energy expenses.1 Nearly half of the energy bill relates to HVAC and lighting costs. But costs will increase if your hotel experiences heating and cooling leakages in vulnerable areas. In this two-part newsletter series, I explore some practical ways hoteliers may optimize thermal insulation to reduce
Reading Time: 2minutesHotel Energy Management Systems Part 3: How Much Do They Cost? Energy is the second largest hotel expense! Only staffing costs you more than your energy expenses. As I’ve discussed in my last two newsletters on this topic, reducing energy through an EMS is a great solution to help reduce wasted energy. But here’s the bottom line: What does
Reading Time: 4minutesHotel Energy Management Systems Part2: Conserve Energy Without Sacrificing Comfort! In my last newsletter, I discussed Energy Management Systems (EMS) as an option to reduce energy waste in your hotel. One of the most common concerns about an EMS is that they shut off while hotel guests are sleeping due to lack of motion in the guestroom. After
Reading Time: 3minutesHotel Energy Management Systems – The Basics A typical hotel room can be unoccupied nearly 70% of the time! In addition, hotel guests are much less concerned about saving energy in your hotel than at their home. Therefore, many hoteliers pay to heat, cool, light, and power TVs for a guestroom with no one in it.
Reading Time: 4minutesWhy You Need a Guestroom Master Switch Forty-four states require hotel guestroom master switches of some type. The code requirements behind master switches can be confusing as there are varying requirements by state. Additionally, this area of the code constantly changes to meet new energy regulations. All this leads to many questions regarding master switches–
Reading Time: 3minutesHotel Photometric Studies: Smart Lighting to Maximize Your Hotel Environment In out last newsletter, we discussed LED lighting as a popular energy saving component for hoteliers. Today I expand on how lighting design impacts the overall look and feel of a hotel. City officials often require hoteliers to show proposed exterior project lighting in order
Reading Time: 3minutesLED Lighting: Cost-Savings Every Month As we discussed in our last newsletter, we strive to bring energy efficient designs to our clients. We want designs that are not only environmentally friendly, but also beneficial to the bottom line of a project. A popular energy-saving component is LED lighting. Over the last few years, the inefficient
Reading Time: 3minutesHoteliers Benefit from No-Cost Cooling! After receiving some great questions from our last newsletter, I wanted to dive into another energy-efficient hotel design solution, one that is often overlooked. This solution involves utilizing your hotel’s dedicated outdoor air system (DOAS) for no-cost cooling. A DOAS is a unit typically mounted on a hotel roof that is
Reading Time: 2minutesEfficient Hotel Design to Save on Monthly Utility Costs With construction costs on the rise, most developers are looking for ways to cut both upfront and operational costs. One way to drive down operational costs is to design a hotel as energy efficient as possible. While we see very few developers pursuing “formal” sustainable certifications